Amazing story which I got within my Google Alert subscription

Vodafone and Dutch Musician Kyteman Give Hearing-Impaired Girl Her First Live Concert –
Brand Helped Engineer Song Heard at Lower Frequencies

look up this amazing video and read the story underneath: Vodafone has teamed up with Dutch composer Kyteman to create a song designed specifically to help people with a limited range of hearing experience live music. ….

So this came into my mind:

1. might this project be of any relevance for the charity concert on Oct. 11 ? for Sergey or Anna ?
2. might this project be a reason to approach the composer Kristof Penderecki (his grandmother was Armenian). Cornelia Much – a board member of Lehnhardt Foundation – and Monika and I are happy to be friends to the Pendereckis.
3. Could we find a way to approach Vodafone ?
So I Googled – what else – “armenian manager Vodafone” – and what came up: a LinkedIn profile:

Virginia Papinyan – Partner Service Delivery Manager at Vodafone Australia
Demografische Informationen Sydney und Umgebung, Australien | Telekommunikation
Aktuell Partner Service Delivery Manager at Vodafone Australia
Früher Customer Solutions Manager (Operations Manager) at NBN Co Limited, Consultant at NBN Co Limited, Third Party Transition Manager at Vodafone Hutch…
Ausbildung Macquarie University
Zusammenfassung Over 15 years experience in the telecommunications and Contact Centre industries. Proven success in driving operational efficiency, leading start…

So why don´t we ask Dimity Dornan to approach this lady and see to propose a donation (e.g. buy virtual tickets for the concert – of course connected with any publicity of the video) and introduce the idea of a cooperation which might even go beyond the Charity Concert ?